Mesibo Xamarin SDK for Chat, Video and Voice Calls, and Conferencing

Xamarin is an open-source, cross-platform development framework to create Android and iOS apps using Visual Studio and C#. Xamarin abstracts out the native functionalities using the native binding libraries.

mesibo Xarming libraries for messaging, calls, and conferencing are available from NuGetopen_in_new. You can install mesibo in your Visual Studio Projects in just a few clicks.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS

Installing mesibo Xamarin packages using NuGet

To install the mesibo Xamarin libraries, right-click on the solution in the Solution Explorer and install mesibo NuGet Packages:

  • com.mesibo.api - core mesibo library
  • com.mesibo.ui - mesibo messaging user interface
  • com.mesibo.calls - mesibo calls and conferencing user interface

Note: while mesibo Xamarin libraries are based on stable mesibo Android and iOS libraries, we are still mapping all the APIs and callbacks. Please raise a ticket if you face any issues using mesibo Xamarin libraries.