Latest Version version_flutter

Mesibo Flutter SDK for Chat, Video and Voice Calls, and Conferencing

mesibo Flutter SDK allows you to quickly add messaging, calls, and conferencing on your Flutter app in a few lines of code.

Supported Platforms

mesibo flutter SDKopen_in_new supports

  • Android
  • iOS

Minimum Requiements

  • Latest Flutter 3.19 and above
  • Refer to the minimum requirements for mesibo Android and iOS APIs

Installing mesibo SDKs in your Flutter Apps

With Flutter:

$ flutter pub add mesibo_flutter_sdk

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  mesibo_flutter_sdk: ^version_flutter

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:mesibo_flutter_sdk/mesibo.dart';

Refer to the mesibo tutorial to learn how to add mesibo messaging, calls, and conferencing features to your Flutter apps.


Although the mesibo Flutter SDK includes all essential messaging, call, and conferencing features, it is a limited version compared to the complete native Android and iOS mesibo APIs. The Flutter SDK is actively expanding and will soon have all native mesibo API features. However, if you need any specific native mesibo API not yet in the Flutter SDK, please write to usopen_in_new, and we will prioritize adding that feature.

Configuring iOS Permissions

While mesibo APIs abstract away permission handling across platforms, iOS requires some additional configuration. Apps need to provide usage descriptions for sensitive resources like contacts, camera, microphone etc.

These usage strings are defined in the app's Info.plist file. For convenience, you can copy the Info.plist from mesibo's sample appsopen_in_new - it contains the necessary keys prepopulated. Simply update the permission messages to match your app branding and use cases.

For more details, refer Apple's documentationopen_in_new on requesting protected resources