Mesibo End-to-End Encryption - Man-in-the-middle Protection APIs

It is generally not necessary to configure these options for casual chat. The default end-to-end encryption provides best-in-class security. However, if you are worried about eavesdropping, you can use a secret password, or install the public certificate of the peer. They are included in the per-message encryption process, and these out-of-the-band methods make it nearly impossible for anyone to intercept your communication.

Setting a Password

You can set a password that is included in the encryption process (KDF). The peer needs to use the same password to decrypt the messages. Setting a password can be very effective against a man-in-the-middle attack. Refer to the article link above for the description.

void setPassword(String address, String password);

setPassword takes the following parameters:

addressThe remote user address


e2ee.setPassword("user1", "some password");

Creating a Private Certificate

mesibo automatically generates a private certificate for you which safely remains on your device only. However, if you prefer to use your custom certificate, you can load it here.

To load a custom private certificate, you need to supply PKCS#12 file with Curve25519 private and public keys. Your certificate MUST contain UID='your mesibo address' and CN='mesibo' for validation. You must also specify O='your app name'.

You can use any tools for generating a private certificate. Below is an OpenSSL example,

$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -newkey ed25519 -keyout my.key -out -days 3652 -subj '/CN=mesibo/O=myapp/UID=MyAddress'
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey my.key -out my.p12

Do not set password when exporting.

BOOL setPrivateCertificate(String filename);

setPrivateCertificate takes the following parameters:

filenameThe PKCS#12 filename with .p12 or .pfx extension



Exporting Public Certificate

Your public certificate gets safely transmitted by mesibo to your peers without any manual interventions. However, if you suspect any man-in-the-middle attack (which is highly unlikely), you can export and share your public certificate with your peers by other means.

String getPublicCertificate();

getPublicCertificate does not take any parameters. It returns the file path of the exported certificate.


String filePath = e2ee.getPublicCertificate();

Loading Public Certificate of a Peer

As mentioned in the previous section, public certificates are exchanged automatically without any manual interventions. However, if you suspect any man-in-the-middle attack, you can load the exported certificate by your peer.

BOOL setPeerCertificate(String address, String filename);

setPeerCertificate takes the following parameters:

addressThe remote user address
filenameExported certificate with .pub or .pem extension

