Mesibo Backend APIs - Messaging

While your users can send messages to each other or groups using Mesibo real-time APIs, your backend can also send messages to one of your users or groups using backend API.

To send a message, you need to send a message JSON request to the backend API, for example:

    "op": "message",
    "token": "ptlk9hdel1gqxf3p0s15f5f5gtusldej18tl794suzit",

    "message": {
        "from": "me",
        "to": "you,she,he",
        "gid": 111,
        "type": 0,
        "expiry": 3600,
        "flags": null,
        "forced": true,
        "message": "This is my message"
opMUST have the value - "message" (see example above)Mandatory
tokenApplication Token obtained from the mesibo consoleMandatory
message.fromFrom address [MUST be a valid user]
message.toTo addresses, comma separated
message.gidGroup ID0
message.typeMessage Type0
message.expiryExpiry in seconds1 year
message.whenSchedule after when seconds0 (now)
message.urlFile URL
message.titleTitle, when sending a file URL

If the request is successful, the response will be like,

	"mid": 1387628,